Roller Bearing Crankshaft
The Bugatti roller bearing crankshaft is very special
It's also very heavy and needed something special to display it properly. We decided to make a stunning cradle designed with our Siemens NX Software Cad/Cam Programme

We downloaded the programme on to our 4-axis Dugard vertical machining centre
Here's the piece of aluminium plate being worked on by the machine during the early stages.

After a few hours it started to take shape
The centre of the stand was the most intricate part of the design and cutting programme.

The Ettore Bugatti emblem becoming clearly visible
Our engineers have high standards. Their attention to detail is second-to-none. This is the machine working on the lettering during the refining stages.

Here it is during the final moments of machining
All it needed now was a wipe round and drying off.

Here's the base plate just before final assembly
You can see the level of detail. It would have been easier to leave it with a plain, smooth surface. We're not like that at Gentry Restorations.

Prior to making the base plate, our engineers manufactured the elaborate vertical supports
They were a precision fit and beautifully detailed too, as you can see here at the assembly stage.

Our engineering skills are excellent, we just need a course in photography
Here's the completed stand following assembly but still in the machine shop.

The hardest part was lifting it on the stand, it's heavier than it looks
Eventually the crankshaft and stand were put in place in our reception area. Now it's always an interesting talking point with visitors.

The Bugatti Owners' Club asked to borrow it for their display at the Classic Car Show, NEC Birmingham 2017
Naturally we obliged. The Bugatti Owners' Club was delighted with the response. The visitors found it a very interesting part of their display.